Don't Let your Sickness Control You...Take Control of It! |
Diabetes, Throat Cancer, Lung Cancer, High Blood Pressure, Headaches... Osteoporosis, Prostate Cancer, Breast Cancer, Kidney Disease, ect...Does this Sound familiar? Numerous illnesses have grown rapid in America, especially in African American people. It has become so bad that now we tend to blame our "can't do attitude" on our sickness. Proclaiming statements like, "I can't go to the park and walk around...I have diabetes"; "I can't go to six flags..I have kidney disease"; "I can't go swimming....I have high blood pressure"; I can't go fishing today...I have breast cancer"; or "I can't go on a Caribbean cruise ever...I have prostate cancer"...these are nothing more than Excuses! By claiming there statements you are throwing your hands up and giving up on you. You are letting your sickness/ illness take control of your life. The only way you can get better is motivate yourself into a natural positive mood. Let’s be real, no one can change your eating habits but you. You can not blame your fat body image on no one but yourself; meaning when you eat there is not a person standing over you with a gun saying eat that beef, eat that BBQ chicken, or eat that pork! Eating healthy is a big part of controlling your body's chemistry; a toss up of live or die. More and more African Americans die frequently due to a poor diet. Eating chitlens, pork chops, hamburgers, sausages, and all types of high cholesterol foods that are not healthy for you can predominantly kill you; which in turn will be due to some type of cancer or dysfunctional embodied disease. So if your wife, mother, father, sister, brother, husband, friend, lover, yourself, or anyone that cooks for you decided to make something that you already know is not good for you, it is up to you to decided whether or not to put it in your mouth. It is important for YOU to be mindful, cautious and AWARE...Choose to LIVE and eat something healthy; an alternate choice is much easier to swallow than a greasy death habit!
The more u allow your sickness to take control of your life the more you will become weak and unmanageable. The best medicine to fight any sickness is to be mobile...be active...get your body to move...you are only as old as you feel. When we were young our parents use to make us go outside and play as much as we can (this was before the facebook and playstation era)...but the reason out parents did this was because it was good for our bodies. Working out your body is apart of Gods plan; He did not create us to be handicap. God gave us legs, hands, arms, feet, and a strong core to move and not sit around and complain about how sick you are. The more u move...the less weak you will feel; putting your sickness into remission. It is time for you to MOVE…BE ACTIVE...GET UP and stop looking at the clock for your time to run out. The more you DO NOTHING the more YOU WILL BECOME NOTHING! Get your butt off that couch, off that chair and workout those lazy bones. But that beef burger down and start eating healthy. There are so many excuses I hear about why some people can’t eat healthy, claiming it’s too expensive or they don't know how to cook healthy food...this is all a bunch of bull. It all about STRONG WILL...Do you have it or is your will to die much quicker than your power to eat?
Inspirational Credit toward this theme is given to my Aunt…Donna Beaudoin….whom inspired me to eat healthy and be aware of what goes in my body...Living a stress and drama free life. PLEASE CHECK OUT HER BOOK WHICH I AM featured in entitled “Sister Vegetarians: 31 Days of Drama Free Living”. This book will inspire and change your life in a most care free way. Sister Vegetarian comes out February 2012. Please go to facebook and subscribe to her page and become a healthy follower…It will pay off at the end. Live Well!!
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