"There Is No Agony Like Bearing an Untold Story Inside Of You."

~Maya Angelou~

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Do You Have Patience?

Best answers come to those that wait, yet we are always subjected to making up our own answers when life does not give us a straight answer right away. For the issue of love we have to be patient and wait for the right level of love to come to us. Nothing can satisfy us the way real love can. Have you ever been in a relationship with someone that doesn’t love you, someone that only wants you for your body; this is not love this is infatuation. The mere infatuation feeling that crawls around our home, our minds, our lifestyle and our spiritual dome; infatuation from an insignificant other can lead you down the road of no where. Looking for love will never be a victory win, you have to let love come to you, be open minded and find truth in someone and not a fatal lie, let go of past phone numbers and past relationship cliff hangers that took you know where. Pain can only last when you continue to dwell on it, there is no golden gate in misery; only a deep black hole. We have to be our own date, our own passion, and our own pleasant dream to rid of all the nightmares that haunts us. As a woman we have to know who we are and what we represent when we step out that door. Do you know who you are? Say to yourself, I AM A QUEEN…I AM A DIVNE DIVA…I AM ROYALITY. These are the simple factors that you must possess. Without this knowledge growing inside you like a seed, you will not have a strong back ground of who you really are. It may take a village to raise a child but it takes a grown woman to come into her own existence as a woman thru the power of self love, self understanding and the inspiration of GOD. No one can change you but you; change is never wrong yet uplifting to the blind eye. When all the walls come crashing down and the words from former friends start to hurt, where will your self love and passion lye? In this case you have to rely on the best book that has all the answers and that is the bible. Now we all know what our grandmothers and grandfathers were talking about when they said “baby ya gotta go the da lord now, he da only one with the power to help you get thru…hmm” , as they sing a gospel hymn and as if we were in church. But the fact remains they were right, when things get to rough and life seems like its hopeless, and we feel there is never a right answer toward the questions we continue to ask; it is never a time to give up yet a time to pray and wait. Just wait for an answer from GOD and like Daniel in the Lions Den, God will save you from your fears you just have to have faith and believe in His word; then and only then will you get an answer to the questions that you seek. 

What I am All About

My name is Tashi, I am 31 and forever divine, spiritual, smart, inspiring and sexy in my own right. I am a gifted writer with a lot to write about, as well as an awesome poet. In my life time I have come across highs and lows and have been through all the emotions that I can think of; which made me stronger than I was before. I have a BA in African Studies, and right now I am focusing on perfecting skills through poetry, true inspirational stories and life, lesson, learned advice within my writing. I hold my self high and love myself deep...for if you don't love yourself how can you ever love someone else. Enjoy my blog and soon a book will be out. Have a blessed day and continue on your own drive of success...only YOU can get in the way of YOU...so strap on that seat belt and full speed head to greater heights of perfection.

I am a Woman of Valor. I am a caterpillar blossoming into the butterfly God ordained me to be. I am courageously stepping out on faith believing that God will continue to bless me and keep me. I am surrendering my heart to Him so that I may accept, for the first time, ME, all of ME - every fault, every fear, every insecurity, every painful experience, every bit of unforgiveness in my heart, every attack on my mind, every attack on my spirit by my flesh and others - I am a Woman of Valor. Flowing with divine grace and style, over flowing with love. I am a woman; enhancing my mind to greater levels of height to become better and taller each day; not to dwell on the past and make it put me in an unsafe place. My smile defines my beauty, my curves define my style, my voice is a little catchy and my heart loves and keeps you for awhile. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. God has challenged me to go forth and make my path straight. Do not succumb to the temptation to be like everyone and be liked by everyone. Accept the unaccepted to expect the unexpected! Enjoy singleness and the love of ME. (I Cor 6:19-20). Enjoy getting to know the very essence of who God really is. Be Transparent! Be Different! Be Forever Changed! I am a Woman of Valor = Strength of mind in regard to danger; personal bravery; courage; prowess; independence; intrepidity...I am a Woman of Valor... Virtuously created!

